It was kinder garden I think I can’t really remember but I had always this too friend that where with me all the time, in class , nap time , drawing time.

She had black hair always in a pony tail and where this cute dresses, her name was Elizabeth she would always correct me on how to take a nap we didn’t talk very good but we would always use are hands to communicate there was one word that we said to each other that was always funny to us “swing” I don’t know why but we just started laughing.

Now this girl was the opisite of Elizabeth she was rough and had always take stuff away from others, but the thing is she never took nothing from me I guess causes I once got her crayons. She would love to draw tho I don’t really know at the time what she would draw but it was bright and colorful to me that was pretty good.

Well those too girls are still my friends even tho we don’t get to see each other as much anymore I still have good memories and a strong friendship with them.